President Obama took his debt team out for burgers at Good Stuff Eatery on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, giving new meaning to the "Popeye" character Wimpy's catchphrase "I'd gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today."That's actually quite ironic for our Marxist community organizer-in-chief to be rewarding his minions based on merit while stripping any such notion from the private sector, no? Also ironically, th efighter of obesity pushed a fatty milkshake on a young boy: After Debt Bill, Obama Takes Staffers Out for Burgers
The White House said the outing, at which the president consumed a meal of about 1,700 calories, was a reward for the debt team's "nonstop" work over the last few months as they worked out a deal with Capitol Hill to extend the government's borrowing limit.
“Michelle eats here all the time, but I don’t get out,” Mr. Obama said of his wife, who’s had a burger named after her on the Good Stuff menu.Spreading the obesity around I guess.
The lunch group included Mr. Obama’s budget director, Jack Lew; Vice President Joe Biden‘s chief of staff, Bruce Reed; the director of the National Economic Council, Gene Sperling; the White House’s top laison to Congress, Rob Nabors; and deputy White House Chief of Staff Nancy Ann DeParle. Mr. Obama sat at the table with a burger, fries and a salad in front of him, according to a pool report. The president was apparently in a good mood, sharing his spread with fellow diners, including 11-year-old Andrew Parker, who said Mr. Obama told him to choose any milkshake he wanted from his table.
His wife is even worse: :Obama: “I can’t stop eating french fries. But eat your vegetables”. Ironically, that happened the same day as Obama said this: ‘Eat our peas’: Pea growers react to Obama remark. The reality here is that the Obamas are denying kids that which they indulge in, typical of ruling class mentality. Obama's plate is always full of things he denies others in regulating what's on your plate. Also, recently: Good to be the king: Obama wolfs down TWO chili dogs and fries... day after his wife unveils new dietary guide. By the way, it's also good to be the queen: Irony: Anti-Obesity Michelle Obama Feast On Ribs At Ski Resort, 1575 Calories Pers Serving, 175g Fat. Going on a diet is for the little people. Michelle Obama wants doctors to prescribe drugs for fat kids. She wants to restrict what children are allowed to eat. She has even talked about removing parents from the child nutrition picture altogether: Michelle Obama on Child Nutrition: ‘We Can’t Just Leave It Up To The Parents’. As part of the ruling class though, she has an abundance of hypocrisy in her veins. Dietary restrictions for thee, but not for me! Next time she piously lectures on the evils of saturated fats, remember this post. Such a thing isn't the first time that Obama's bitter half ignored her own edict either. From last year: Irony: Anti-Obesity Michelle Obama Orders Double Cheeseburger & Fries At Milwaukee Diner (With Video). She was called on her hypocrisy by ABC: Video: ABC On Michelle Obama's 1,700 Calories Of Hypocricy
Also, Michelle Obama urged black moms to LIE to their children to keep them from being fat